An Update from the Bitchy Cripple
I’m Crippled and probably for the rest of my days and yeah, it will be one slow decline… going down. But I will enjoy myself.
I have a sign in my house hanging in my kitchen, “Life is What Happens to you when you’re making other plans.” You May recognize the quote from the John Lennon song “Beautiful Boy”. Yep, that’s the one. This has been my life for the past twelve years with a few bright respites.
And it is happening to me once again, but there is no surprise really.
I was in the hospital last month — I am fine! So far I survived my stay. COVID-19 -Free. (Knock wood!)
I was also due for an MRI on my entire back at this same hospital, so a week later I was back. I went over the MRI with the lead radiologist (who marveled at the amount of metal I had in one back!), before reviewing it with a surgeon, to see what it said. No recommendations from her, just what it said.
It had a few showstoppers, but there was one urgent area that needed discussion which I did speak to a surgeon about yesterday. My surgery from May, 2017 has never healed. I have nerves wrapping around bone from the bottom of my spine upward. And sadly my upper back is slightly affected now. One part of the spine moving slightly forward….the other moving slightly back…
I developed a nice relationship with The Mayo Clinic last year, who urged me to work locally first as any operating on scoliosis patient is risky at best and there is no guarantee in the outcome, Many people have up to five or six surgeries. I do not want this to be me. I am going to ask if they will review the latest MRI report and film as well.
I believe the anger I had and grief I still feel, especially when the pain really goes awry was (is) at the failure of my first and second surgery, and at my getting full blown Lymphedema from Infectious Disease and MRSA twice. I suppose I have bitched enough. I am tired. I’d rather bitch and fight the good fight on the line for somebody else who needs it too!
I can walk a small bit. Stand up and do things. But for the most part my entire left side has been compromised. It is hard to even lift my leg leg. Even with a now 65 pound loss (the size of a large toddler!) the handicap that is crippling my physical life. Mentally I am still me. Take me or leave me. Insouciant as ever! Still the performer. Laughing out loud!
I will let you all know what we (Mr. Skitch and me), do next. Getting busy making those other plans…
— -BC ♿️